How to Prevent Password Spraying Attacks

Bad cyber actors are what the kids these days would call “try hards.” They do everything they can think of to get into your accounts. One tactic is password spraying. In case you don’t know about it, this article gives the basics and shares strategies to prevent this type of attack.

You’re probably familiar with hackers trying many different password combinations with the username. Web security services know about this form of attack, too. That’s why you can get locked out of your site for trying the wrong password too many times.

This brings us to password spraying. The cyber criminals have found a way to get around the-three-tries-and-you’re-out-of-luck defense. Instead of one user and many passwords, they use one password with many different usernames.

Think how easy this could be. Your company database is online for people to contact your employees. The bad actor takes,,, and so on, or they buy a list of usernames on the Dark web. Then, they try common passwords for every one of those individuals.

“Abc123,” “123456,” and … ugh … “password” are still frequently in use worldwide as passwords. So, it’s not that much of a stretch for a hacker to be able to get in with one of these common permutations.

The brute-force attack runs through a long list of users before trying the next “wrong” password. So, by the time it has finished going through the list of users with the password “abc123”, enough time has passed to avoid lockouts, and the hacker tries another password from the user list.

What to do about password spraying

The most obvious thing? Stop using any of the passwords that appear on the most commonly used worldwide lists! Do you think no one would still be using these obvious options? In 2021, there were more than 3.5 million reported uses of the “123456” password. “Password” came in second with 1.7 million reported uses. Both take less than a second to crack.

So, prefer more complicated passwords. This doesn’t have to mean that users add seven numbers, six symbols, and three capitalized letters. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines suggest length is more important. So, users can create longer yet easier-to-remember passwords.

IT administrators can also force users to change passwords at their first login to new applications. NIST further recommends checking every new password against a breached password list.

Multifactor authentication helps, as well. This requires the user to verify themselves with access credentials and extra authentication. This might be a code sent via text to a smartphone or could involve an authentication app such as Manage by MYKI .

It’s also a good idea to segment your networks so that users access only what they need to. Limiting user access can minimize the damage done if there is a breach.

Put password best practices in place

Keep your business secure with the help of CPI Networks. We can spearhead the installation of lockout policies and other security measures such as implementing company controlled MYKI Password & 2FA Management system. Our experts also stay current with the latest vulnerabilities to proactively protect your organization.

Call us at (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us to discuss if CPI Networks is the right IT partner for your business? 

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How to Choose Home Computer Repair

There’s a lot of talk about the best places to use your laptop. We’ll recap that discussion briefly below, but the real focus of this article is where it’s best to put your desktop PC.

First, why does it even matter? Of course, you care how your workstation looks, but beyond the aesthetics, airflow is important too. Computers cool themselves with fans to suck in cool air and expel hot air out the back or top. If you’re not leaving room for the computer to “breath” it can overheat.

When a computer overheats it can become unstable or suddenly shut down. The hot air can also damage internal components. This is true of both laptops and desktops.

That’s why you’ll hear that it’s a good idea to put your laptop on a raised, slatted service where air can reach the vents. A table over a furnace duct or in direct sunlight should be avoided too.

OK, But Where Do I Put My PC?

You don’t want to put your computer somewhere it is going to get dusty, which is a good reason not to put it on the floor. It’s exposed to more dust, hair, and other junk that way. Since the computer’s fans are sucking in cool air, they can suck in the debris too.

Also, on the floor, you risk accidentally hitting or kicking the PC. Sudden jolts are bad for mechanical hard drives. Plus, USB drives or anything else plugged into the front could be knocked out, which damages the port.

Some desks have cabinets under the desk where you can put the computer. But, these may not have been designed with enough airflow.

It’s best to set up your computer on a stable surface to avoid any bumps or drops. You also want to position it so that the cord is not going to create a tripping hazard. If you fall, you could damage the power connection or, worse, knock the computer off your table or desk.

Since the big thing is airflow, you also don’t want to set the PC too close to the wall. This can damage cables in the back if they bend too much. Or, when the hot air exhausts out the back, it will be harder to expel the heated air.

Securing Your Desktop PC

Putting your PC parallel to the monitor, safely stable on your desk or table, with good airflow and room for the cords is your best option for the safety and longevity of your desktop computer.

Need help setting up your desktop PC or finding the best place to position it in your home? Our tech experts are available to help. Contact us today at (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us to discuss if CPI Networks is the right IT partner for your business? 

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Why You Might Wait to Upgrade to Windows 11

Microsoft is rolling out the next iteration of its operating system, Windows 11. Of course, new = better, right? But, when it comes to Windows 11, you may want to consider waiting. Here’s why.

Typically, software updates are something to install as a matter of course. The manufacturer, after all, is delivering the latest and greatest in its upgrade. This can be new efficiencies, improved processes, and increased security.

CNN calls the Windows 11 release “the biggest update we’ve seen to Microsoft PC software in more than half a decade.”

But when it comes to Windows 11, do some research first. You may not want to be an early adopter.

When to Upgrade

There are still people using Windows 7 and Windows 8, even though these systems are no longer supported by the manufacturer. That, we do not recommend. Without support or security updates, these systems are vulnerable to malware attacks.

Meanwhile, the release of Windows 11 indicates Windows 10 is on its way out. Yet Microsoft has said it will support Windows 10 until October 14, 2025. The company typically keeps a ten-year lifespan for its products.

So, you don’t need to upgrade immediately. And for some businesses, it makes sense to wait longer to make the switch from 10 to 11. After all, it is not yet an essential upgrade.

Those on Windows 10 will see some advantages, yes. We’ll talk more about that next. But, unless you’re a heavy multitasker or need a sleeker visual design on your desktop, you can wait.

By waiting, you’ll also get the advantage of others being the ones to discover the launch issues and bugs. The software has been available in beta since June. Still, as more users get access, you can expect more updates on the horizon.

To help you decide if you’re ready to upgrade, you’ll first want to see if you are eligible for the free upgrade. Also, visit Microsoft’s website to see if your PC can run the software (

If you have a custom-built desktop, you’ll want to run a health check to see if you have the TPM 2.0 Windows 11 requires. This is a specific security module, so you don’t want to overlook this!

Why Upgrade to Windows 11

Windows 11 is a redesigned operating system aiming at improved user navigation. Expect:

  • a more Mac-like experience;
  • integration with Android apps;
  • a facelift for Microsoft Teams;
  • streamlined switching from monitor to laptop;
  • direct access to widgets from the Taskbar;
  • a few gaming performance enhancements.

How to Upgrade 

The upgrade is rolling out gradually. Those who recently purchased a new laptop before Windows 11 was pre-installed have access now. 

If you are an existing Windows 10 user, you’ll see the Windows 11 upgrade sometime between now and mid-2022. Most users will go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and click Check for Updates. If available, you’ll see a Feature update to Windows 11. Click Download and install. 

Remember to backup all your important documents before starting the installation process! 

Also, don’t fall for any fake versions of Windows 11. Wait to receive an official notification of a systems update. Do not click on links promising the software on social media or via email. You could end up downloading malware. 

More on Upgrading Your OS 

If you are in the market for a new laptop, make sure you’re getting one with Windows 11 pre-installed. That way, you’ll be sure to get one that will be able to run the new operating system without hassle. 

Want to be sure you’re ready for the upgrade and need it now? We can help verify your eligibility and run a health check. We’ll also help you determine if you can safely continue with the software you’re using right now. We’re here to help. Call us now at (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us to discuss if CPI Networks is the right IT partner for your business? 

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Outsourcing to an MSP: Custom-size Your Partnership

When it comes to business technology, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Managed service providers (MSPs) know this firsthand. That’s why you’ll find they make it easy to partner with them for different levels of outsourced IT. This article outlines the three tiers of MSP outsourcing typically available.

Small and mid-sized businesses share many challenges. They need to manage resources, follow regulations, and combat cyberthreats. At the same time, they grapple with constant changes (e.g. growing workforce mobility). Yet for all these commonalities, the technology used in each business can vary, and so too can the level of in-house expertise to manage and maintain IT.

So, many businesses turn to MSPs to get to know their IT infrastructure. The MSP can act as an IT watchdog, offer specific value-added services, or replace an in-house IT team.

MSP as IT Watchdog

This level of MSP engagement is for the business that wants expert backup support. The MSP watches over the business infrastructure and makes sure everything runs smoothly.

The MSP will use remote monitoring to keep tabs on the IT environment. They won’t make any changes if an issue arises – that’s up to the business – but they’ll help detect concerns to avoid any business disruption.

Many businesses don’t have the personnel for around-the-clock IT monitoring. This basic level of MSP service is a good way to track critical networks, systems, and databases 24/7/365.

MSP’s Menu of Services

MSPs also offer a menu of value-added services on top of the monitoring. The added tasks outsourced can depend on your expertise, budget, and desire to be hands-on with IT.

Value-add services MSPs offer include:

  • taking responsibility for installing software updates;
  • fixing security vulnerabilities as they are detected;
  • suggesting current, reliable, and secure technology solutions to improve your operational performance;
  • handling data backup and disaster recovery;
  • serving as your IT help desk for employees.

Partnering with the MSP for these services can save the business time and money. Consider data backup: The MSP may have its own data centers for all its clients, which might mean a better rate on essential data backup thanks to economies of scale.

MSP as IT Team

Other businesses can benefit from handing over all IT to a trusted MSP. For one thing, this saves the business from having to recruit, train, and keep its own IT team in a tight labor market.

The MSP continues to remotely monitor and manage the IT infrastructure, but they now have full responsibility. It’s not a matter of picking from the services available on the a la carte menu above. All those tasks are the MSPs responsibility.

Many internal IT teams are reactive, as they don’t have the bandwidth to act otherwise. Yet with an MSP in place of an overwhelmed IT staff, you gain a proactive partner. The MSP secures applications and networks, manages mobility, and handles any incidents. They keep your business running by avoiding disruptions leading to revenue loss, customer churn, and reputation damage.

Putting an MSP in charge of IT can concern some business owners who are reluctant to give up control, but an MSP brings the benefits of specialized experience with technology (and, ideally, your industry). They have the tools to provide data analytics, improve cybersecurity and continually better your business.

An MSP Partnership to Suit You

On any of these three levels, you want to work with an MSP that will become an extension of your business. The right MSP becomes a trusted partner looking out for your business’s best interests. Call us today at (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us to discuss if CPI Networks is the right IT partner for your business? 

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How Hackers Get Around SMS Two-Factor Authentication

Every time you’re online and a site sends a separate code to check your identity, you’re using two-factor authentication. It’s become the norm. So, of course, hackers have figured out how to get around this, too. This article shows you how they do it and how to stay safe.

With billions of usernames and passwords leaked, access credentials everywhere are at risk, especially if you are reusing your log-in information on more than one site (don’t do it!).

Business websites want to offer a secure user experience, so two-factor authentication (2FA) has become the norm. It’s meant to help stop automated attacks in which bad actors use the leaked usernames and passwords.

Still, if the site you’re visiting uses short message service (SMS) to send a one-time code to your phone, you could still be at risk.

Hackers, using information they have from a data leak, can call your telephone company. They use your name, date of birth, and other identifiers available on the Dark Web, to impersonate you. Then, say you’ve lost your phone, they transfer your phone number to a device with a different SIM card.

That means when the one-time SMS code gets sent your phone number, the message will instead go to their device.

Android Users Also Beware

On Android devices, hackers have an easier time getting access to text messages. If they have access to your leaked Google credentials, they can log into your Google Play account. From there, it’s simply a matter of installing a message-mirroring app on your smartphone.

The app synchronizes notifications across your different devices. It’s for when you really need to be connected, and you’ll be able to see your phone’s SMS alerts on your tablet!

The app won’t work unless you give it permission when prompted to do so, but too many people don’t stop to read alerts from their own accounts: they assume it’s another necessary update and go on with their day. Otherwise, the hacker might call you in a social engineering ploy pretending to be a legit service provider. They’ll be familiar to you, so you’re more likely to listen when they ask you to give permission.

Again, when the one-time SMS code gets sent to your phone, because of the message-mirroring app, the hacker’s device will also receive the code.

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself?

It starts with using unique passwords for all sites you visit. Worried you’ll forget them? A password manager like MYKI can keep all your access credentials in one secure place for you and your team. You should also confirm that your credentials haven’t been compromised. If you use MYKI’s password service, you can  “check passwords” to see if there are any issues. 

Change any passwords that have been involved in a leak!

To avoid the SMS concern specifically, avoid using one-time SMS codes to verify your identity. Instead, you can use a non-SMS authentication tool such as MYKI password manager authenticator, which provides two-step verification services within the app itself.

Need help learning if your credentials have been leaked? Or want assistance setting up more security for your online activity? We can help. Contact our IT experts today at  (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us. 

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7 Common Business IT Myths Debunked

MythBuster programs on television never focus on business misconceptions about IT. Too bad, because believing these myths can be both costly and dangerous to your business. This article debunks seven common business IT myths.

Sometimes myths are harmless, but when it comes to business IT myths, not knowing the truth is damaging. Make smarter tech decisions with accurate information and a better understanding of IT.

Myth 1: Consumer PCs are interchangeable with business PCs.

Sorry, this one’s false. Selecting a business-grade computer can impact productivity. Don’t squander your competitive advantage by relying on consumer PCs to get the job done.

Consumer PCs are largely about getting the price point down by using lower-quality materials, whereas business computers are built to last, use higher-quality components, and go through more testing. They have business-appropriate features such as fingerprint readers or encryption tools, and better warranties and support.

Myth 2: Apple computers can’t get viruses.

Microsoft Windows users are targeted more often because there are more Microsoft users, and the payoff is bigger. Plus, Windows PCs run any program requested, regardless of danger, whereas Apple has steps in place to prevent unauthorized malware from running.

This myth is also untrue. In fact, in September, Apple released a security update to fix its phones, tablets, and watches. Victims didn’t even have to click on a malicious file to risk device infection. So, if you’re using an Apple device, go into Systems and make sure you’ve upgraded to iOS 14.8, macOS 11.6, and/or watchOS 7.6.2.

Myth 3: One backup is enough.

In the case of data backups, you are much safer taking a 3-2-1 approach to data backup. Have three data backups available on at least two different mediums, one of which should be off-site.

You might backup your data to:

  • a second hard drive;
  • an external hard drive;
  • a thumb or USB flash drive;
  • a cloud service.

Myth 4: Antivirus software completely prevents infection.

Antivirus software is valuable, yes, and your business should consistently upgrade its antivirus software. But no antivirus is going to protect your business from every threat.

Security programs do their best to keep up with new threats and vulnerabilities, but infections can spread across the internet quickly. Plus, bad guys are getting better at crafting variations to evade antivirus tools. As a result, make antivirus software only one piece of your cybersecurity strategy.

Myth 5: Cybercriminals only target enterprises.

Attacks on enterprises grab the headlines, but nearly half of the cyberattacks hit small businesses. The bad actors know that small businesses are more resource-constrained and don’t have cyberattack prevention plans in place. It is easier to go after the little fish than targeting the enterprises with IT teams as big as a basketball squad.

Myth 6: It’s OK to wait until the computer fails to replace it.

You can wait, but it’s not going to be the best thing for your business. Long before a computer fails it could be slowing down your business. Older PCs disrupt productivity and reduce employee satisfaction.

As the computer ages, you’ll lose time loading applications and dealing with crashes. You may also be leaving your systems vulnerable to cyberattack if you can’t upgrade the software.

Myth 7: IT outsourcing is not effective for small businesses.

Maybe you think your IT systems are too small to need ongoing maintenance or monitoring, or (Myth 5) that you’re not at risk. Yet, IT systems of any size need ongoing, consistent attention, and outsourcing can help free up your IT resources to do more value-add tasks.

A managed service provider (MSP) can monitor hardware and backups, streamline systems for speed, and keep security current. The MSP can also manage firewalls, and identify and protect against threats. Partner with us for business IT support today! Call us now at  (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us. 

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Stop Your Tech from Stalking You

Unless you’re a reality television star, you probably don’t like the idea of being watched at all times. So, why would you want your technology to know all about you? With digital technology today, it’s far too easy for our devices to turn creepy. Here are some suggestions to stop the stalker-like tendencies of the technology you rely upon.

Today’s marketing and online communications are all about customization and personalization. If you like a friend’s picture of an Art Deco door in Belgium, you see many more posts featuring similar designs. Or if you view an area rug on a website, you’re suddenly bombarded with ads for rug stores when you next go online.

This can add convenience, but it is also unsettling. What companies online know about you could be more detailed than what your friends know. Take the following steps to regain control of what your computer, phone, and apps know about you.

Review your privacy settings

Whether going online from a phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet, get to know the device’s privacy settings. Some important settings to review include:

  • email tracking – this can let people know if you opened their message or not;
  • location tracking – personalizes recommendations but also tells search engines where you are;
  • voice recordings – manufacturers use these to train virtual assistants, but pause this to keep your conversations to yourself;
  • purchase history – this helps feed the machine so that businesses know how to target you in the future.

Opt out or block ads

Opting out of ads limits the information collected from your browser or device. The site or business still receives basic information about you, but you will no longer receive targeted, interest-based ads any longer. Apple’s iOS 14 allows app blocking, and you can also express your choice on Android devices.

Otherwise, use browser ad blockers, such as AdBlock Plus, or JavaScript blockers, such Ghostery, to limit ad tracking. Also known as content blockers, these software programs prevent ads from showing on websites you visit. You can find ad blockers for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

Check your permissions

Watch the permissions you give apps. We have already talked about checking device settings, but you can also limit the permissions you give to apps. For example, social media accounts have privacy settings that allow you to control what’s logged about you.

Plus, check permissions for other apps. Clash of Clans doesn’t need location services, for instance. Or you might not want to give Slack access to your microphone and video recordings.

Use webcam covers

Covering your webcam stops someone from potentially seeing and recording you. If you think you’d see the light come on to show the webcam is in use, know that hackers can disable that. A simple sliding webcam cover closes the webcam when you are not using it to avoid a cybercriminal having access.

Covering your webcam can also come in handy in all those online meetings you’re having. A covered camera means you don’t run the risk of your colleagues catching you unprepared.

Limit information you provide

Social media has created a culture of oversharing. There are probably many things you’ve seen about friends online that you would rather not know. You’re also sharing more than you need to with the companies that you interact with online.

If you’re filling out a form for a download, you might fill out only the required fields. When you add an app, be stingy with your personal details. Think about it from a need-to-know perspective. For instance, that home design game you love to play doesn’t need to know where you went to high school or with whom you bank.

Need help keeping the privacy-busting algorithms at bay? We can help. Our IT experts can configure device settings to limit information gathered about you online.

Contact us today at  (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us. 

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What to Do If You’re a Ransomware Victim

You’ll know if you’re a victim of ransomware. Often you’re met with a red screen telling you your business files are encrypted. You won’t be able to do anything on the computer, although the cybercriminals will provide helpful instructions for how to pay up. How nice. Here’s what to do instead if you’re the victim of a ransomware attack.

Cybersecurity Ventures predicts ransomware will impact businesses every 11 seconds in 2021. Yes, you read that right. That’s up from every 14 seconds in 2019. Another research company reported ransomware increasing 485% year-over-year in 2020.

Know that it’s widely considered a bad idea to pay the ransom, because you’re rewarding the cybercriminal. Plus, you can’t even be sure that they will provide the encryption key needed to regain the use of your files. What! You were going to trust the bad guys?

The Important First Step

The first thing you’ll want to do is make it all go away. Yet wishful thinking is not going to get the job done. Instead, you’re going to have to turn immediately to your disaster response plan, because, of course, you have one of those already. Really, don’t underestimate the value of planning in advance for IT infrastructure compromise. Doing it proactively means calm, considered decisions rather than reacting in a crisis.

Step one is going to be identifying the systems involved and isolating them. Once you detect a compromise, limit the spread of infection by disconnecting the devices affected. Ideally, you take only a few computers offline or disconnect an individual network. Even in a large-scale compromise, remove all affected devices from the network to contain the malware.

As part of the isolation, don’t forget to disconnect any connected devices such as storage drives. The ransomware infection will even seek out USB thumb drives.

Power down only the affected devices if you are unable to disconnect them from the network. Why? Because turning them off means you might lose potential evidence.

Malicious actors may be monitoring your business communications. So, move offline to coordinate your response. Phone calls or text messaging will work, or personal email accounts.

Don’t attempt to restore critical systems until you have identified and isolated. After that, your business can move into triage mode. Prioritize what to restore, and recover using your data backup (again, of course, you have one of those, too). Consider how critical each system is for health and safety and revenue generation. Then, get to work restoring systems in an efficient, organized fashion.

Minimizing Ransomware Risk

Ransomware is a major threat to every business sector, and you don’t want to become the next victim. Common best practices include:

  • preventing an attack with anti-virus and anti-malware tools;
  • installing email filters to keep phishing emails from reaching your employees;
  • making frequent backups and keeping them separate from your network;
  • keeping up with ransomware and other cybersecurity threats.

Businesses that partner with a managed services provider have someone supporting their efforts to cut ransomware risk. Plus, if the worst happens, the MSP’s IT experts are at the ready to identify and isolate. They can find the samples needed, determine the malware strain you are dealing with, and report the attack.

Your data backup should have recent copies of all information up to (or close to) the time of infection. So, once the MSP has removed all ransomware, they will wipe your systems and storage devices. They can swiftly reformat the hard disks and reinstall everything from scratch.

An MSP can help you plan ahead to contain the damage from a cyberattack. Let our IT experts install best practices, set up safe backups, and track activity on your network. Contact us today at (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us. 

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Weighing Software-as-a-Service and Managed Service Providers

There are many acronyms in the IT world. Two common ones are SaaS and MSP, which stand for software-as-a-service and managed service provider, respectively. The bigger question is what the differences are between these two and why you would need one or the other. Here’s help.

What’s SaaS?

Your business may already be relying on SaaS. Some of the more widely used platforms include:

  • Microsoft 365
  • Salesforce
  • HubSpot
  • MailChimp
  • Shopify
  • SurveyMonkey
  • Canva
  • Slack

SaaS companies are booming. Businesses are relying more and more on these technologies, and SaaS spending has grown 50% in two years. Why?

Software as a Service provides customers with convenience. The companies develop, manage, and update a product to support teams such as marketing, sales, or customer service. The SaaS platform will promise greater efficiency, improved productivity, increased transparency, and more. These tools automate and streamline processes to drive revenue.

Customers typically pay for a cloud-based subscription fee. In return, they get lower-cost services, reduced time to implementation, and scalability.

What’s an MSP?

Managed services supports software, as well as your

networking and hardware infrastructure. The MSP has human experts to install software, upgrade hardware, patch systems, and track security. The MSP provides all-around support for the business’s technology. This third-party firm gets to know you to help keep your business competitive.

The MSP tackles all sorts of tasks behind the scenes for your business. When your business outsources its IT to an MSP, you gain efficiencies and expertise. You are not giving up control but adding a partner to focus on time-consuming, complicated, and repetitive tasks. Meanwhile, your people can concentrate on driving innovation and generating revenue.

Businesses reap many rewards from working with an MSP. These experts can often find cost savings. Most MSPs charge a predictable monthly fee that’s easy to budget around. The enhanced expertise can also help ensure security and compliance. The MSP will also have the know-how to recommend the tools your business can enjoy most.

It doesn’t have to be either-or

Understand that you don’t have to choose between SaaS and an MSP – the two work well together.

MSPs can help you deploy and get the most out of your SaaS. In fact, an MSP can make sure your SaaS solutions work well together. They can help identify features on one platform that you’re not using. This could lead to you dropping an underutilized subscription to another SaaS.

Going on your own with SaaS means relying on each company’s IT support or asking your own in-house IT people to get to know the ins and outs of many different platforms. When you have an MSP, you pay that single provider for help instead of having to spend on tech support for each SaaS. Also, if you have a security issue, the MSP will alert you and act to cut the damage and repair the problem. The SaaS manufacturer doesn’t have the same responsibility.

Before you even get SaaS, the MSP can help guide your purchase. Your business may think it needs Slack because everyone else seems to be using it. But if you already have Teams, that could be unnecessary. The MSP learns about your business and how you work to help determine what SaaS’s are right for you.

The latest-and-greatest SaaS will come and go. Your MSP can remain the same as your business changes and evolves. Providing continuity of service, they will keep an eye out for the new SaaS you can adopt. The SaaS company wants to grow its customer base and evolve its platform, and the MSP’s job is to help your business succeed, with or without SaaS.

Contact us at (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us today to enjoy the many benefits of working with an MSP. 

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Lessons Learned from an Oil Pipeline Ransomware Attack

Your business may not be supplying oil to the United States, and you may not even be in the critical infrastructure business, but don’t think that means ransomware can’t happen to you, too. This article shares lessons learned from a headline-grabbing event, and they’re applicable to businesses of all sizes in all industries.

First, what happened? The May 2021 ransomware attack crippled a 5500-mile gasoline pipeline. The Colonial Pipeline serves up nearly half of the gasoline used by the East Coast of the United States. The attack, thought to be the largest ever on US oil infrastructure, encrypted almost 100 gigabytes of data. Russian hacker group DarkSide took the systems hostage, demanding an undisclosed ransom. The pipeline was offline for days, and the disruption plagued the country for weeks.

The lesson learned? Businesses cannot underestimate the importance of being proactive about preventing cybercriminal attacks. The Colonial Pipeline attack originated in Russia and attacked the US, but the motive was financial. The majority of cyberattacks come down to money. That means your business could be at risk, too.

Lesson #1: Educate employees

Avoid falling victim to a devastating ransomware attack by educating employees about cybersecurity. Train your employees to recognize phishing emails and other scams, teach them about the importance of strong passwords, help them understand potential dangers of using unsecured wireless networks or unencrypted devices, and prevent their downloading unsanctioned apps onto work computers.

Lesson #2: Use firewalls and email filtering

Configure firewalls to protect your network and block access from malicious IP addresses. Geo-fencing can reduce traffic from foreign actors in known cybercrime hubs.

Additionally, set up advanced spam filters. These help identify and stop phishing emails before they even get to your employees.

Lesson #3: Limit access

You’re thinking you’re doing that already with firewalls and filtering, but this refers to limiting access for the people who work for you. Configure credentials so that employees can access only what’s needed to do their job. Limiting administrative access makes it more difficult for bad actors to do damage.

Also, limit permissions to reduce access. One employee may need to read certain files but have no need to edit them. Configure the file and directory access accordingly.

Lesson #4: Monitor and patch

Even if you’re not online at all hours of the day, you should be monitoring IT 24/7. Set up alerts to identify any suspicious activity. You want to know as soon as possible if there is a vulnerability so your business can limit its exposure.

Also, patch: don’t ignore update notifications from your software providers or operating system manufacturers. Every piece of technology in your office could be an entry point for a bad actor. Cybercriminals are always finding new modes of attack and vulnerabilities. You have to be vigilant and keep your systems updated to cut your risk.

Lesson #5: Have a backup plan

If cybercriminals take your system hostage, you don’t want to have to pay a ransom. It’s costly, and you can’t guarantee you’ll get a functional system back. You will still suffer downtime and damaged reputation from the attack.

Having several system backups, tested regularly for accuracy, helps protect you from catastrophe. We recommend a 3-2-1 approach. That’s three separate copies of the backup on two different storage types, and at least one of them should be off-site.

Customize your backup plan around the specific needs of your business. One company might be fine backing up daily, whereas another may suffer if it loses even a few hours of data.

Cybersecurity doesn’t have to be complicated

Ransomware attacks are expensive and time consuming. Partner with a managed service provider to keep an eye on your systems. Our IT experts can configure protection, track activity, and provide backup solutions. Take preventative action to protect your business against ransomware and other cyberattacks. Work with professionals to install a layered IT security strategy today. Contact us today at (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441 or email us. 

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