IT Management & Support for Law offices

CPI Networks has been providing IT services to small & solo law firms in the GTA for over 20 years.

Lawyers have unique requirements when it comes to IT – they need to comply with the Law Society of Ontario requirements on data and client protection, they need to be able to work remotely, while ensuring client data is safe and they need to be able to integrate accounting, research and file management software.

Is your IT partner experienced with PCLaw, Clio, Teranet, , Due Process, Will Builder or Divorcemate, to name a few? If not, then they’re going to take longer to solve your IT issue, when you’re in front of a Judge or client requiring a quick answer and need that info asap.

Some of the services we provide to lawyers are:

  1. Provide help desk, staffed in the GTA, who know you, your business and can respond quickly: we dispatch to your location if it is needed as well;
  2. Creating a backup solution so that you’re compliant with the Law Society of Ontario requirements;
  3. Monitoring the backup solution so it actually works when you need it;
  4. Creating regular maintenance timetables on your computers that ensure the maintenance happens at a time that leaves your computers ready to go when you  need them, not “updating” while you’re desperate to get information;
  5. Running up to date anti-virus software on your systems to protect you from both general attacks and those targeting lawyers;
  6. Running an up to date anti-ransom wear program that seeks out unusual behaviour and stops and attack before it can begin
  7. Provide Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive for Business on Canadian servers.  This allows you to leave files in the cloud and be Law Society Compliant and not have your data subjected to US Homeland “Patriot Act” scrutiny;
  8. Respond to urgent IT issues so you know if it’s your computer or another PCLaw or Clio problem, for example;
  9. Install  dictation and transcription software, accounting and other software onto your computers;
  10. Advise on what computer will best meet their current needs and last the longest so that you’re not making unnecessary hardware purchases;
  11. When you have an upcoming LSO audit, we ensure you understand the backup information you will need to provide to them as well as the location of any other cloud service you use, so you’re confident when you’re undergoing your audit.

We prefer to provide our services on a monthly flat rate basis, but are able to deliver on an as needed basis as well.  Much like lawyers, it is less expensive to pay the flat rate and have us prevent problems, than ignore problems and pay our hourly rate to fix them. If you do not currently have an IT Partner familiar with the the technology used by Law firms, please give us a call to arrange a no obligation meeting to discuss how CPI Networks can help your firm.

For more information, see Why small firms and sole practitioners need IT security by

Call us today at (416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441


Call us today at
(416) 645-2469 or (905) 667-0441

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Hi… How can we help?

CPI Networks has been providing IT services to small & solo law firms in the GTA for over 25 years.